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Human-Computer Interaction

We presents an ontology-based approach to the interface adaptation for people with special needs on the basis of user model and rule-based reasoning mechanism over ontology. The meta-ontology for adapting interfaces for people with disabilities was developed to integrate and manage the domain ontologies (user domain ontology, user disability domain ontology, application interface domain ontology, user's device domain ontology). Set of SWLR-rules was developed for each disease in disease ontology. Reasoning mechanism functioning was introduced by example of interface design for people after ischemic stroke.

2019 (1)
  • Marina Kultsova, Anastasiya Potseluico, Alexander Dvoryankin (2019) Ontology Based Personalization of Mobile Interfaces for People with Special Needs. In Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science. pp. 422–433. Springer International Publishing. Cham. doi bibtex
    • Abstract
2018 (1)
  • M. Kultsova, A. Usov, A. Potseluico, A. Anikin (July 2018) An Ontological Representation of Interface Patterns in Context of Interface Adaptation for Users with Special Needs. In 2018 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA). pp. 1-5. doi bibtex
2017 (1)
  • M. Kultsova, A. Potseluico, I. Zhukova, A. Skorikov, R. Romanenko (2017) A two-phase method of user interface adaptation for people with special needs. Communications in Computer and Information Science 754 pp. 805-821. Springer Verlag. doi web bibtex
    • Abstract
2016 (2)
  • Marina Kultsova, Anastasiya Potseluico, Anton Anikin, Roman Romanenko (Nov 2016) An Ontology Based Adaptation of User Interface for People with Special Needs. In 2016 IEEE Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Conference (AINL). pp. 92-94. bibtex
  • M. Kultsova, A. Potseluico, A. Anikin, R. Romanenko (July 2016) An ontological user model for automated generation of adaptive interface for users with special needs. In 2016 7th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems Applications (IISA). pp. 1-6. doi bibtex

Purpose of the research – to improve an efficiency and reduce time of adaptive user interface design by developing the assistive technology based on the ontological user model and interface patterns

Tasks of the research:

  • To analyze the existing models, methods and algorithms of interface adaptation, technologies and tools for adaptive interface design, prototypes of developing system
  • To develop the concept of automated adaptive interface design based on ontological user model and interface patterns
  • To develop the ontological model, algorithms of reasoning over the ontology and set of interface patterns
  • To develop the tool for automated design of adaptive interfaces, to implement and test the developed tool

We have developed the ontology-based approach, set of reasoning rules and software tool (interface editor).
