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Dmitrii Matyushechkin

Master student (1st year)




Formal languages processing, Natural languages processing, Adaptive web-interfaces, Web development


Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia. Master student


Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia BS in Computer Science, 2016, Chair of Software Engineering The subject of bachelor's degree work is “Generation of showing student`s mistakes picture in Moodle education system”. Learning courses: Software Design, Databases Design, Knowledge Based Systems, Software Reliability and Quality, Software Modeling and Analysis

May, 2016. VSTU review competition of scientific works

C/C++, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Java, JavaScript, HTML,CSS, PHP, Python, Perl, Git, Mercurial, SQL, MySQL, PostgeSQL

  • Russian — native language
  • English — upper-intermediate
  • German - Pre-Intermediate