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bibtex [2019/12/04 11:07]
bibtex [2021/02/18 19:25]
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 + doi = {10.1088/​1742-6596/​1801/​1/​012009},​
 + url = {https://​doi.org/​10.1088/​1742-6596/​1801/​1/​012009},​
 + year = 2021,
 + month = {feb},
 + publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},​
 + volume = {1801},
 + number = {1},
 + pages = {012009},
 + author = {D V Litovkin and A V Anikin and O A Sychev and T Petrova},
 + title = {{ORM} Diagram as an Intermediate Model for {OWL} Ontology Engineering:​ Prot{\'​{e}}g{\'​{e}} {ORM} Plugin Implementation},​
 + journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
 + abstract = {OWL2, a widely-used ontology-representation language, is poorly perceived by humans because OWL2 statements have a low level of abstraction. To solve this issue, various OWL2 ontology editors are used, which allow to group statements and represent them using some visual notation. ORM-diagram is a good candidate for an intermediate model for authoring and understanding of OWL2-ontology as Object-Role Modelling notation supports visually distinguishable constructs, has the high expressive capabilities,​ and implements the node-link paradigm and the attribute-free approach A Protégé plugin allowing to create an ORM2-diagram using the live error checking approach was implemented. The plugin allows us to form a valid object-oriented diagram model in computer memory using a widely known ontology authoring tool Protégé.},​
 +thanks = {rfbr-18-07-00032,​ 20-07-00764}
 @article{SYCHEV2020,​ @article{SYCHEV2020,​
 title = "​Automatic grading and hinting in open-ended text questions",​ title = "​Automatic grading and hinting in open-ended text questions",​